Saturday, November 24, 2012

sister life line more points...

If a line is found parallel to life line and is moving very close to it is referred to as the mars line it can give the person extra vigour and energy.

If lines are found parallel to the life line but do not start from the mount of agressive mars then they can be referred to the sister lifeline or influence line.

The timing of the influence line will be similar to the lifeline they can indicate the following:

1) Some person has created an influence upon you.
2) If the influence line comes closer to life line or they start becoming can mean that the person who influences you is coming closer to you and is impacting your life more. On the other hand if it becomes weaker and starts going away from life line it will show contrary effects.

for more check this link...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The sun line

The sun line can mean that the person has artistic talents also makes the person luckier and more influential this person might have many contacts...and life migth be easier for him/her....

1) If the sunline is completely marked from the base of the hand till the sun mount the person is like to be luckier throughou his/her life.

2) The sun line is marked 0 at the base of the hand and when it reaches the mount of sun indicates at an age of 60 + touches the head line around the age of 30 and the heart line at the the age 40/ 45.

3) If the mount of luna is well developed the person will have a lot of creativity.

4) Sun line can make the person magneric and attract lots of fame towards him/ her.

the fish symbol

the fish symbol is rare.....but if it is found then the person might become fortunate....and might have a very good family life....larger the fish the more fortunate the person becomes...the direction of the fish is also can face towards..jupiter / saturn /appolo or  example of fish symbol can be viewed on this link...

The family ring more points....

The ring encircling your thumb and found on the base of the thumb is called the family ring.
If the family ring is chained the person is bonded to the family...and works according to the families wishes.
If two family rings are found the person is attached to two families...the other family beieg his spouses family.
 If no chain is found on the family ring....the person is more independent.
If no ring is found the not very attached to family.

for more..

split in the life line

If the life line has a split in the end it can indicate the following:
1) For this person family and carrier both are important.
2) The person might be wrestless and might want to travel to a foreign country.
3) The person might settle abroad.
4) The split is at times referred to as the fish tail...and it indicates towards a positive personality.

for more..

St andrews cross more points

The st andrews cross will be found between the life and the fate line. It is found on the hands of doctors/nurses or healers...this is because these people save many lives. They can save the life in two ways:
1) By healing and removing the depression of a person and removing the suicidal thoughts.
2) By saving the person from drowning or an accident.

In any case it is a very fortunate sign....and the person who has this cross will save another persons life....for more on st andrews cross plese follow the link....