Saturday, November 24, 2012

sister life line more points...

If a line is found parallel to life line and is moving very close to it is referred to as the mars line it can give the person extra vigour and energy.

If lines are found parallel to the life line but do not start from the mount of agressive mars then they can be referred to the sister lifeline or influence line.

The timing of the influence line will be similar to the lifeline they can indicate the following:

1) Some person has created an influence upon you.
2) If the influence line comes closer to life line or they start becoming can mean that the person who influences you is coming closer to you and is impacting your life more. On the other hand if it becomes weaker and starts going away from life line it will show contrary effects.

for more check this link...


  1. I have seen ur posts on YouTube and am interested in consulting you. Please contact me on my mobile or my email at

  2. Hi shreyans im very impress with your videos.
    i will send you a personal email with a picture of my hand with the triangle marks i have 3 one on the life line one on the destiny line and one on the mercury mount, i want to confirm that this are triangles jeje and where can i see you in person? or skype? thanks.

  3. Let me know if you give personal consultation. Thank you
